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You need to understand law firm SEO to win at it

Spending money on search engine optimization for your law firm’s personal injury practice is a complete waste of time and money if you don’t know how SEO works.

Most SEO companies charge between $1,000 to $3,000 per month for their SEO strategies and often require you to sign a one-year contract!   That’s a big financial commitment!

But SEO companies hide their strategies in a “black box.”  They don’t really tell you HOW or WHAT they are doing. 

How do I know this?  Because over the last 15 years I’ve worked with SEO companies from all over the world.

Before you commit to spending $30,000 or more for SEO and online marketing services, shouldn’t you know how SEO and online marketing works and whether it will work for your firm?

I'm a personal injury lawyer too and had to figure out SEO on my own

Hi, I’m David Kervin and I have a law firm just outside New Orleans. 

As a self-employed lawyer, I’ve spent many years and enormous sums of money trying to figure out online marketing in the most competitive online market there is — personal injury law. 

Ranking online in the personal injury space is harder than ranking in any other industry because the competition from major trial lawyers is insanely fierce and incredibly well-funded.

Over the last 15 years,  I’ve learned some hard truths about SEO that no SEO company ever told me.  

I learned these truths through research, trial and error and by speaking with independent contractors and asking them for HONEST advice on how to rank online.  


Improve Your Personal Injury SEO Today!

At Podnah, we have developed a proven SEO strategy that has helped personal injury lawyers improve their rankings and drive more clients to their business.

We show you how to generate more web traffic (that’s relevant) that translates to more (and better) cases.

My law professors didn't tell me I'd spend most of my time on marketing

Let’s face the facts — it is a tough time to be a lawyer. 

There are currently over 1 million lawyers in the U.S. with about 35,000 new lawyers entering the profession each year. 

That’s a lot of competition!

But none of my law professors said anything about how much time and money you’d have to spend marketing your legal services.

So how do we make the internet work for us to get more clients?

We show you how to get FOUND online by MORE clients

The purpose of marketing is to get discovered by more prospective clients. 

We cut through the nonsense and share with you what works and what doesn’t.

We show you how to assess your online competition and WIN

If you’re going to spend money on online marketing, you need to know who your online competition is and what keywords they’re ranking for.  You need to know how many backlinks they have and how people are finding them online.

We will show you how to see WHO your competitors are, how well they’re ranking for keywords and what you can do to beat them.

We show you how to see what clients are searching for

If you want to be found by more clients online, you must know what they are searching for.  We show you how to see what people search for online, in your area, and what that search volume is.

We show you how to write content people actually WANT to read

We are now in the “attention economy” with ever increasing media of all forms competing for you and your client’s attention.  You must figure out a way to grab your prospective client’s attention.

With the insight you’ll get at Podnah, you’ll be able to write your own highly effective SEO content that people want to read. 

Google knows if nobody reads your posts and pages and if they have a high “bounce rate.”  Google does not reward content like that.

We show you how to write GREAT content that is UNIQUE to you and that people want to read because it helps inform (and entertain) them.

We explain how backlinks work (and how to get the good ones)

Great website content does not wow search engines unless you have quality backlinks directed to that content.

High quality backlinks are as important as high quality content. 

We show you how to get these high quality backlinks and explain how they work.

We reveal what other SEO companies aren't telling you.

You search the internet only to find hundreds, even thousands of “SEO” and online marketing companies. 

Each company offers a similar solution and promises results.  But how do you know if they’re any good?

We hold nothing back and give you the essentials that you need to know if you want to be successful at marketing your personal injury practice online.

Get found online with Podnah

  • How to build a GREAT website CHEAP!
  • How “keywords” work and how to use them in your content
  • How to do keyword research and competitor analysis – (The SEO companies don’t tell you about this!)  
  • How to research Keyword Difficulty and find easier keywords to rank for
  • How to do Keyword Volume research so you’re not wasting time on keywords nobody uses
  • How to see what your competitors are doing for their SEO (and how to beat them!)
  • How to discover keywords that are BOTH in demand AND low difficulty so you can rank for them
  • How to leverage AI to write AMAZING long-form articles that both your clients AND Google loves
  • How to get HIGH QUALITY backlinks the right way to improve ranking and avoid Google penalties

What kind of lawyers will this course help?

Podnah’s SEO videos will work for lawyers ALL practice areas. 

The concepts we teach are universal.  Podnah will help your website’s SEO for:

  • Personal injury (torts of all kinds)
  • Family law
  • Criminal defense
  • Business law
  • Consumer protection law
  • Bankruptcy law
  • And any other practice area 

Do you know what questions to ask your SEO company?

I do.  I spent the last 15 years working with SEO providers around the world.  I got to see what worked and what didn’t.   

Most importantly, I noticed the things they DID NOT tell me…

  • How do you know whether an SEO company is any good? 
  • What’s the point of ranking #1 for a keyword that nobody searches for? 
  • Does your law firm’s ranking improve if you have amazing SEO content but no high quality backlinks? (not by much)
  • What good does it do to rank your PI firm for keywords with zero search volume?  (very little)
  • How do you perform keyword research?
  • What is your backlink strategy?
  • Do you monitor and report traffic and relevancy?

Objection! This SEO stuff is too hard for me!

No it’s not.  You made it through college, law school and the bar exam.  If you can handle clients, you can handle a SEO seminar designed by a practicing lawyer. 

You need no technical knowledge to do this.  I will walk you through everything.

To get more injury cases, you need to know how online marketing really works

You want your business or practice to be found online organically.  SEO is the evergreen money tree for your law practice.  Great website content written and set up correctly can attract more readers and more clients.

Lawyers are used to continuing education and specialized training.  I have about 20 years of CLEs under my belt. Maybe you do too.

But the one seminar lawyers should take is learning how to effectively market their law practice. 

I never saw seminars like that so I decided to create Podnah to help other lawyers learn how to effectively, and efficiently, market their law practice online.

Can I really do SEO myself?

Yes!  Podnah shows you how.

And even if you end up hiring someone to do it for you, you will be so much better at it knowing what works and what doesn’t.

We cover everything from the basics to advanced SEO techniques for personal injury lawyers, family lawyers and criminal defense lawyers to help you get FOUND by MORE clients.

You don’t have to have any prior knowledge of web marketing to benefit from our videos. 

We are lawyers too and I will explain this stuff step by step.  You got this! Podnah gives you the knowledge and know-how you need to grow your personal injury practice online.

We show you what works, and what doesn’t work, in getting your personal injury law firm recognized by search engines.

You’re here because you want to get more cases and make more money as a lawyer. That’s why we built Podnah — to share our experiences with online SEO to help you get more web traffic and more cases.  

I learned this stuff the hard way, on my time and on my dollar. Getting your personal injury law firm found by clients online is possible. Let us show you how to start winning at law firm internet marketing.

The fact is that some lawyers seem to make all the money in a winner-takes-all system, while others struggle to survive. That’s not a testament to the struggling lawyer’s legal skills.  Rather, it simply is often a matter of marketing.  

Start Winning at Personal Injury SEO Today!

At Podnah, we have developed a proven SEO strategy that has helped personal injury lawyers improve their rankings and drive more clients to their business.

We show you how to generate more web traffic (that’s relevant) that translates to more (and better) cases.

Why Choose Us?

20 years of experience in online marketing in the most competitive field there is — personal injury lawyers.

How does this work?

We offer courses to teach you the essentials and basics of SEO so you can either do the work yourself or competently hire an SEO company for your business.

What does this cost?

Our courses are $299 and it’s yours for life.  There are no other charges.


Podnah is your law firm's online marketing partner

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My SEO journey led me here

Hi, I’m David Kervin and I’ve spent the last 15 years figuring out online marketing for my own personal injury law firm.  

Like you, I’ve found online marketing for my law firm expensive, time consuming and just plain frustrating.

I started Podnah to share with you everything I know about SEO so you can grow your law firm’s online presence and get found by more clients.


personal injury seo expert

Contact Us


Podnah / Kervin Law, LLC

1978 N. Hwy 190, Suite A

Covington, LA 70433




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